Matrix scale video on TextureView Android -
i'm trying play video exoplaye
on textureview
. in order scale , crop video fit view use matrix. custom view extends `textureview' here code:
@override public void onvideosizechanged(int width, int height, float pixelwidthheightratio) { updatetextureviewsize(width, height); log.v("exo", "onvideosizechanged() " + width + "x" + height); } private void updatetextureviewsize(float videowidth, float videoheight) { float viewwidth = getwidth(); float viewheight = getheight(); float scalex = 1.0f; float scaley = 1.0f; float viewratio = viewwidth / viewheight; float videoratio = videowidth / videoheight; if (viewratio > videoratio) { // video higher view scaley = videoheight / videowidth; } else { //video wider view scalex = videowidth / videoheight; } matrix matrix = new matrix(); matrix.setscale(scalex, scaley, viewwidth / 2, viewheight / 2); settransform(matrix); }
i had rectangular views , worked perfectly. views have 2 states: expanded (the old ones still rectangular) , collapsed (have smaller height.
so video stretched vertically in collapsed views.
for instance have view 1080x480
, video 360x640
looks video scaled , cropped 1080x1080
, stretched 1080x480
what doing wrong here ?
check updatetextureviewsize
/** * set display options * * @param layout <ul> * <li>{@link #video_layout_origin} * <li>{@link #video_layout_scale} * <li>{@link #video_layout_stretch} * <li>{@link #video_layout_zoom} * </ul> */ public void updatetextureviewsize(int layout,float videowidth, float videoheight) { relativelayout.layoutparams lp = (android.widget.relativelayout.layoutparams) getlayoutparams(); displaymetrics disp = m_context.getresources().getdisplaymetrics(); int windowwidth = disp.widthpixels, windowheight = disp.heightpixels; float windowratio = windowwidth / (float) windowheight; float videoratio = (float) videowidth / (float) videoheight; m_isurfaceheight = videoheight; m_isurfacewidth = videowidth; if (video_layout_origin == layout && m_isurfacewidth < windowwidth && m_isurfaceheight < windowheight) { lp.width = (int) (m_isurfaceheight * videoratio); lp.height = m_isurfaceheight; } else if (layout == video_layout_zoom) { lp.width = windowratio > videoratio ? windowwidth : (int) (videoratio * windowheight); lp.height = windowratio < videoratio ? windowheight : (int) (windowwidth / videoratio); } else { boolean full = layout == video_layout_stretch; lp.width = (full || windowratio < videoratio) ? windowwidth : (int) (videoratio * windowheight); lp.height = (full || windowratio > videoratio) ? windowheight : (int) (windowwidth / videoratio); lp.leftmargin = (disp.widthpixels - lp.width) / 2; lp.topmargin = (disp.heightpixels - lp.height) / 2; } lp.leftmargin = (disp.widthpixels - lp.width) / 2; lp.topmargin = (disp.heightpixels - lp.height) / 2; getholder().setfixedsize(m_isurfacewidth, m_isurfaceheight); setlayoutparams(lp); m_ivideolayout = layout; }
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