oauth 2.0 - How to use google identity toolkit without importing users -
is there workaround google identity toolkit without importing users identity server still can use using google identity toolkit. here example trying :
let there identity provider entity (idp) , entity service provider server (sp),idp not allow 1 export there users due security can set trust service provider can allow login using there credentials without exposing there users on other system.
so best workaround using google identity toolkit can allow me use without importing users in google identity toolkit still can login party want bare minimum configuration.
basically want federation without exporting users system still want connect them using trust agreement between parties can provide them service using existing user profiles 1 having either on system or enterprise or of our partners.
does of google tools or technology gives 1 channel can use above user case or work around if there use google identity toolkit avoid exporting or registering user on 2 different systems.
i hope there many trying or having same use case there project can answer me or google people can approach question.
to use google identity toolkit, not need import users google identity toolkit. identity toolkit automatically create user account federated login users.
there 1 caveat though in case. google identity toolkit not know user's identifier in system, , authentication result (i.e. google identity toolkit idtoken) contains newly generated user_id along email, name , photo url etc.
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