vb.net - VB setting a string to nothing -
this question has answer here:
the code below returns true when expected return false.
why return true? expect nothing set value of string null, not empty (according msdn)
module vbmodule sub main() dim x string x = nothing console.writeline(x = string.empty) end sub end module
nothing (visual basic)
represents default value of data type. reference types, default value null reference.
***edit**** nothing = string.empty (why these equal?)
nothing in vb.net default value type. language spec says in section 2.4.7:
nothing special literal; not have type , convertible types in type system, including type parameters. when converted particular type, equivalent of default value of type.
so, when test against string.empty, nothing converted string, has length 0. operator should used testing against nothing, , string.empty.equals(nothing) return false.
per comment,
when converted particular type, equivalent of default value of type.
the default value string null. dont understand why answer accepted.
difference between c# , vb.net string comparison
the above post explains answer clearly, credit goes tim schmelter in comment section finding above post
per tim schmeleters comments
it called vb compiler documentation states in string.equality operator
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