vb.net - Parse String to Date from a filename variable -

purpose move files in specified folders, in if date @ least day old today. i'm having trouble moving file since don't see archived. i'm assuming it's parsing date filename. vs2005 .net 2.0

sub copytoarchive(byval mydirpath)     'mydirpath = "c:\utresults\"     't:\utresults\press3\sv70206655\data07012015.txt example of txtfilelist     dim txtfilelist string() = directory.getfiles(mydirpath, "*.txt", searchoption.alldirectories) 'search files in given path .txt type      each txtname string in txtfilelist         dim pressname string = txtname.substring(0, txtname.lastindexof("\")) 'take out file extension         pressname = pressname.substring(0, pressname.lastindexof("\")) 'take out folder after press folder clean "press"         pressname = pressname.remove(0, 13)          dim folderexists string = path.combine("c:\writetest\", pressname)          dim filename = txtname.remove(0, 4)         filename = filename.substring(0, filename.lastindexof("."))         filename = convert.todatetime(filename)          if filename < date.now             if my.computer.filesystem.directoryexists(folderexists)                 my.computer.filesystem.movefile(txtname, folderexists)             else                 my.computer.filesystem.createdirectory(folderexists)                 my.computer.filesystem.movefile(txtname, folderexists)             end if         end if     next end sub 

sub copytoarchive(byval mydirpath string)     'mydirpath = "c:\utresults\"     't:\utresults\press3\sv70206655\data07012015.txt example of txtfilelist      dim dir new directoryinfo(mydirpath)     dim fileinfos = dir.enumeratefiles("*.txt", searchoption.alldirectories)     fileinfos = fileinfos.        where(function(fi) datetime.parseexact(regex.replace(fi.name, "[^0-9]", ""), "mmddyyyy", nothing) < datetime.now.adddays(-1))       'the magic here ------^^^      each info in fileinfos         dim pressname string = _           path.getdirectoryname(info.directoryname).replace(mydirpath, "c:\writetest\")          'better/more efficient call createdirectory() every time         my.computer.filesystem.createdirectory(pressname)         my.computer.filesystem.movefile(info.fullname, pressname)     next end sub 


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